81 research outputs found

    Rare pediatric movement disorders : clinical aspects of genotype, phenotype, and assessment

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    Pediatric movement disorders are defined by an impaired ability to initiate and control movements. Dystonia, one of these disorders, may cause a life-long severe motor disability. Pharmacological treatment is often insufficient, but deep brain stimulation (DBS) has turned out to be effective for some dystonia subtypes. Reliable and valid assessment tools are needed to evaluate new interventions for dystonia. The Dyskinesia Impairment Scale (DIS) is an assessment scale for dystonia and choreoathetosis, designed for children and youth with dyskinetic cerebral palsy. However, the DIS is comprehensive, and its administration and scoring times are long, and the scale is often disregarded in a clinical setting. The overall aim of this thesis was to enable and facilitate assessment of dystonia and choreoathetosis in children and young adults, and to elucidate some clinical aspects in two rare pediatric-onset dystonia disorders. Study I: This prospective long-term case series indicates that benign paroxysmal torticollis of infancy does not lead to neurological sequelae. At the last follow-up, with a mean age of 14 years, all 11 children attended regular school, and no one reported motor problems. Five had developed migraine and/or episodic syndromes that may be associated with migraine. We found no known mutations in candidate genes. Nevertheless, in the case of a severe phenotype, specifically if there are paroxysmal disorders in the family history, it may be important to follow the children longitudinally and genetic testing can be considered. Study II: This retrospective multi-center case series confirms that pallidal DBS is an effective treatment option for individuals with DYT-THAP1 dystonia. Fourteen individuals were followed for a median time of nearly five years, and at the last follow-up, median dystonia reduction was about 60% when assessed with the Burke–Fahn–Marsden Movement Scale (BFM-M). However, improvement was less obvious in the orolaryngeal and craniocervical regions; anatomical areas which are often affected by dystonia in these individuals. Study III: This cross-sectional two-center study was an instrument evaluation of the DIS for a new population; children and young adults with inherited or idiopathic dystonia. The DIS and the dystonia subscale were shown to have good-to-excellent inter-rater and test–retest reliability, whereas the choreoathetosis subscale had moderate inter-rater and excellent test–retest reliability. Concurrent validity for the dystonia subscale, when compared with the gold standard BFM-M, was good. Altogether, these results indicate that the DIS might be a valuable tool to evaluate dystonia and choreoathetosis in inherited and idiopathic dystonia. Study IV: This cross-sectional two-center study aimed to design a more clinically useful version of the DIS, the DIS-II. Scale development included an online advisory expert meeting, iterative discussions within the research team, and a Rasch measurement model analysis. With a reduced number of scoring steps, the DIS-II evaluates 60% of the items in the original DIS. The result from the Rasch analysis demonstrates evidence of construct validity of the scale. Furthermore, a high person reliability indicates that the DIS-II may separate assessed individuals into eight distinct ability levels. Altogether, this implies that the DIS-II provides valid and reliable measures for dystonia and choreoathetosis and reduces administration and scoring times in comparison with the DIS

    Interest and Recruitment in Science: A Reform, Gender and Experience Perspective

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    AbstractThis paper reports on Swedish results from a worldwide research project concerned with the Interest and Recruitment in Science Education (the IRIS-International study) together with results from a longitudinal national study on girl's views on out of school experience in science and technology in upper secondary education. The studies are framed in the structural situation of the Swedish educational system. The results show that there are reform and policy effects to consider in the discussion of recruiting more students in STEM. Interest in the subject, earlier school experience, achievement and teacher feedback is found to be important for educational choice in STEM. Specifically girls point out societal relevance as important. In addition there are elements outside the school setting with importance for educational choice. Moreover, girls point out visits to a museum and watching films and boys popularized forms of science and computer games. All students consider TV and activities outside school as important for their educational choice in STEM. When trying to implement outside school experience with girls in a longitudinal study in upper secondary education the interplay with school subject teaching is identified as missing. The friction between subject teaching in schools and connections with the surrounding world is proposed as important for future studies

    Case Torpa - en arbetsrapport inom forskningsprojektet ReBo

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    Rapporten Ă€r en del av forskningsprojektet “ReBo - strategier för integrerad hĂ„llbar renovering av bostadsbestĂ„nd frĂ„n folkhemsperioden”. Projektets mĂ„l Ă€r att ta fram integrerade beslutsverktyg som sammanvĂ€ger kulturhistoriska, arkitektoniska och sociala vĂ€rden med miljö-, tekniska och ekonomiska aspekter för att uppnĂ„ hĂ„llbar renovering. Arbetet har genomförts i en transdisciplinĂ€r samverkansarena som förenar aktörer frĂ„n industrin, akademin och samhĂ€llet. För att fĂ„ en konkret utgĂ„ngspunkt i arbetet har vi studerat tre olika fall, eller Case, av bostadsomrĂ„den som stĂ„r inför förĂ€ndring. Denna rapport dokumenterar ett av fallen, Case Torpa. Torpa Ă€r klassat som kulturhistoriskt riksintressant. Fasaderna i gult tegel och ljus puts Ă€r enhetligt utformade och visar en stor omsorg om detaljerna. OmrĂ„det Ă€r uppskattat men fasaderna har fuktskador som behöver Ă„tgĂ€rdas och byggnaderna har hög energiförbrukning. Syftet med Case Torpa var att ta fram en metod för att kunna prioritera och samordna olika renoveringsĂ„tgĂ€rder men ocksĂ„ att dokumentera och testa en konceptuell modell, kallad ReBo-modellen, för att beskriva bostadsomrĂ„dets olika vĂ€rden inför en renovering. Metodutvecklingen genomfördes i en arbetsgrupp som representerade samverkanarenas alla kompetenser. Processen varade i strax över ett Ă„r och har innehĂ„llit fem Casemöten, flera arenaworkshops med alla partners inom ReBo-projektet, mindre möten mellan olika aktörer samt eget arbete utfört av olika aktörer mellan Casemötena. Dokumentation av metodutvecklingsprocessen Ă€r baserad pĂ„ minnesanteckningar och ljudinspelningar frĂ„n Case möten och material som har tagits fram av projektpartners. För att testa ReBo-modellen har data och information inhĂ€mtats frĂ„n företag, litteraturstudier, internetsökningar, arkiv, kartor, statistik, driftdata, platsstudier, tekniska inventeringar, samtal och e-mail kontakter. Resultatet av metodutvecklingen Ă€r en Strategimatris som innehĂ„ller byggnadstekniska Ă„tgĂ€rdspaket pĂ„ en axel och faktorer som pĂ„verkar vid renovering pĂ„ den andra. Matrisen fungerar som ett sĂ€tt att fĂ„ överblick över vad som behöver Ă„tgĂ€rdas och tas hĂ€nsyn till vid renovering. Som komplement utvecklades ocksĂ„ en mall för fördjupning av Ă„tgĂ€rdspaket som mer i detalj beskriver hur olika aspekter sĂ„som bevarande, miljö och hĂ€lsa pĂ„verkar och pĂ„verkas vid renovering av ett specifikt paket av byggnadskomponenter. Resultatet av arbetet med ReBomodellen Ă€r en detaljerad nulĂ€gesbeskrivning av Torpa utifrĂ„n ett antal valda paramentrar inom omrĂ„dena allmĂ€n beskrivning, teknisk beskrivning, miljöprestanda, arkitektoniska kvaliteter, sociala kvaliteter, kulturhistoriska kvaliteter, och ekonomisk prestanda. Testet visar att och hur modellen kan tillĂ€mpas pĂ„ ett bostadsomrĂ„de. Rapporten avslutas med reflektioner kring Case Torpa dĂ€r möjliga sĂ€tt att vidareutveckla processerna kring beslutsfattande vid renovering och fortsatt utveckling av ReBo-modellen diskuteras

    Impact sibutramine therapy in children with hypothalamic obesity or obesity with aggravating syndromes

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    Objective: Behavioral treatment of children suffering from hypothalamic obesity or uncomplicated obesity in combination with syndromes that aggravate this condition has proven to be ineffective. The combination of comorbidities and severe obesity lower the quality of these children's lives drastically. The present goal was to determine whether treatment with sibutramine has a beneficial effect on such children. Design and Subjects: A double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study (20 Ï© 20 wk), followed by a 6-month open phase, was performed. The primary indicator of efficacy was the body mass index (BMI) SD score (SDS) value, which was analyzed using an ANOVA repeated-measures design [intention to treat (ITT)]. The 50 children (7-20 yr of age) involved included 22 with hypothalamic obesity and 28 with uncomplicated obesity plus aggravating syndromes. Forty-five patients completed the first phase, and 42 participated in the entire study. Results: The group that initially received the placebo demonstrated an insignificant decrease (ÏȘ0.06) in BMI SDS during this treatment but a significant decrease (ÏȘ0.68; P Ïœ 0.001) when treated with sibutramine. The other group demonstrated a reduction in their BMI SDS of ÏȘ0.72 during administration of sibutramine and a rebound of Ï©0.43 when placed on the placebo (P Ïœ 0.001 in both cases). The response of children with hypothalamic obesity was also significant but was less pronounced than that of children with nonhypothalamic obesity. During the open phase, a continuous reduction in weight was observed. The treatment was tolerated well. Conclusion: The clinically and statistically significant weight reduction caused by sibutramine in this short-term study indicates that treatment of hypothalamic and syndromal obesity with this drug may be beneficial

    Musik oss emellan : identitetsdimensioner i ungdomars musikaliska deltagande

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    This thesis considers ordinary Swedish teenagers and their everyday use of,and views on, music. The aim of the study is to analyse the relationship between identity and adolescents’ use of music in their daily lives. Theories are employed that hold identity to be a process, and that comprise the social as well as the psychological aspects of the individual (Giddens,1991; 1997; Jenkins, 2008). Since for both Giddens and Jenkins the reflexive identity process takes place in everyday life, it is a concept that is essential to this study. The idea that people are active, not passive, in their day-to-day use of cultural products ultimately leads to Small’s (1998) definition of musicking. The empirical part of the study was carried out among fifteen eighthgraders (14–15 years) in two schools in two Swedish cities. An initial questionnaire provided outlines of the adolescents’ musical preferences, and were followed by focus group conversations centred on six music examples. Later, interviews were carried out to chart the informants’ individual relationships with music and their personal use of it. The material is analysed thematically in three chapters on music and ‘them’, music and ‘us’, and music and ‘me’. In the final chapter, a competent musicking agency is held to be a combinationof individual and social factors. Whether these aspects can coexist boils down to the question of authenticity: much like Giddens’s competent agent, the competent musicking agent moves between life sectors, maintaining balance between uniqueness and normality, and is therefore perceived as authentic by both herself and others. In school, pupils tend to choose music that promotes their public image. Instead of yielding to a tussle between self-image and public image, it is suggested that music education should become a free zone where the well known is looked at in newways, and where one could get to know the unknown

    Risk factors and prevention against UTI for older women : A Literature Review

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    Bakgrund: UrinvĂ€gsinfektion (UVI) Ă€r en av de vanligaste infektionerna hos Ă€ldre kvinnor. Escherichia coli (E-coli) Ă€r den vanligaste bakterien vid UVI. Äldre kvinnor lider nĂ€r de Ă€r drabbade av UVI och det Ă€r sjuksköterskans uppgift att bland annat förebygga sjukdom och lindra lidande. Syfte: Att beskriva riskfaktorer och förebyggande omvĂ„rdnadsĂ„tgĂ€rder mot UVI hos Ă€ldre kvinnor. Metod: Litteraturstudie, med databassökning genom databaser speciellt inriktade pĂ„ vĂ„rd och omvĂ„rdnad, CINAHL, PubMed, WEB OF SCIENCE och Medline. 15 artiklar har anvĂ€nts till resultatet. Resultat: Recidiverande UVI, diabetes, urininkontinens, smittspridning och förstoppning Ă€r riskfaktorer att drabbas av UVI. God hygien och regelbunden tillförsel av vĂ€tska ses som god evidensbaserad omvĂ„rdnadsĂ„tgĂ€rd mot UVI. Ökad tillförsel av vĂ€tska förkastas, TranbĂ€rstillĂ€gg behöver ytterligare forskning. Slutsats. Hög hygieniskstandard genom de basala hygienrutinerna Ă€r en viktig förebyggande Ă„tgĂ€rd mot UVI.Background: Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most common infections for elderly women. Escherichia coli (E-coli) is the most commonly found bacteria when screening for UTI. Older women suffer when they have UTI and it’s up to the nurse to prevent sickness and to ease the pain. Aim: To describe risk factors and nursing care prevention against UTI for elderly women. Method: Based on science articles received from databases specified on care and nurse caring. CINAHL, PubMed, WEB OF SCIENCE and Medline. 15 articles is used for the results. Results: A prior history of UTI, diabetic, urinary incontinence, and constipation is risk factors to developed UTI. High hygienic standard is a good prevention against UTI. Regular infusion of liquid is good prevention to not develop UTI. Cranberry for prevention against UTI needs further research. Conclusion High hygienic standard through basic hygiene is an important prevention against UTI

    Barns delaktighet i samlingen

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    Syftet med denna studie var att ta reda pÄ vad pedagoger och barnen anser om samlingarna i förskolan samt om barn Àr delaktiga nÀr det kommer till samlingarnas innehÄll och planering. Studien har utgÄtt frÄn följande frÄgestÀllningar: Vilka förestÀllningar har pedagogerna om hur de gör barnen delaktiga i samlingarna? Hur uppfattar barnen samlingarna och sin delaktighet i samlingen? Vilka exempel pÄ hur barnen görs delaktiga syns i observationerna? I litteraturgenomgÄngen tar vi upp olika forskares och teoretikers syn pÄ barnperspektiv, barns perspektiv och delaktighet som Àr relevant för vÄr studie. DÀrefter gÄr vi genom metoden vi anvÀnde oss av nÀr vi gjorde observationerna och intervjuerna samt vilka frÄgor vi stÀllde till pedagogerna och barnen. För att uppnÄ studiens syfte och besvara frÄgestÀllningarna har vi anvÀnt oss av kvalitativ metod i insamlandet av empirin. Vi gjorde intervjuerna och observationerna pÄ tvÄ förskolor dÀr vi intervjuade sju pedagoger samt 16 barn. Resultatet visar att det fanns tre mönster som stÀmde överens med pedagogernas definition av delaktighet. NÀr det kommer till att göra barnen delaktiga i samlingen sÄ utgÄr pedagogerna efter att göra samlingen sÄ innehÄllsrik som möjligt för barnens lÀrande. De försöker utgÄ frÄn att barnen ska blir sÄ delaktiga som möjligt genom tillÄtande, turtagning, samarbete och bekrÀftande. Resultatet visar att utförandet varierar mellan förskolorna, en faktor till variation Àr pedagogernas barnsyn pÄ hur de omsÀtter tanken om det kompetenta barnet. Resultatet visar Àven att barnens uppfattningar om samling och delaktighet skiljer sig frÄn pedagogernas. Barnen ser samlingarna som en aktivitet dÀr man gör olika saker utifrÄn vad pedagogerna bestÀmmer. De kÀnner sig delaktiga men bara inom en viss ram. Nyckelord: Barnintervjuer, barns perspektiv, barnperspektiv, delaktighet, förskola, samlin

    Thysells image - en spegelbild av företagets identitet?

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    Syfte: Syftet med arbetet Àr att studera Thysells identitet och image för att identifiera eventuella gap i överensstÀmmelsen mellan dessa begrepp. Vi vill vidare beskriva hur företaget genom positionering kan föra identitet och image nÀrmare varandra. Detta Àr en förutsÀttning för att fÄ nöjda och lojala kunder samt förbÀttra företagets lönsamhet. Metod: Genom att konstruera en lönsamhetskedja, bestÄende av begreppen identitet, image, kundnöjdhet, kundlojalitet och lönsamhet, gör vi det teoretiskt troligt att god överensstÀmmelse mellan identitet och image Àr en viktig del för att ett företag ska kunna öka sin lönsamhet. Vi applicerar kedjans tvÄ första begrepp pÄ fallföretaget Thysells. För att samla empiriskt material till vÄrt arbete har vi intervjuat branschexperter, representanter för och kunder till företaget. De tvÄ förstnÀmnda grupperna undersöks i form av intervjuer och den sistnÀmnda gruppen genom kund-enkÀter. Empirin analyseras dÀrefter utifrÄn vÄr teoretiska referensram. Slutsatser: Vi har identifierat brister i överensstÀmmelsen (gap) mellan Thysells identitet och image vad gÀller företagets varumÀrken, lokal, sortiment och annonsering. Gapens storlek varierar i omfattning, och Àr dels av karaktÀren identitet-image-gap, dels interna gap, det vill sÀga inom identiteten. Pris och service Àr omrÄden dÀr vi funnit en överensstÀmmelse mellan identitet och image. En anledning till att gap har identifierats anser vi vara att Thysells Àr ofokuserade pÄ en rad omrÄden. Företaget har inte en vÀl definierad mÄlmarknad, nÄgot vi anser grundlÀggande för att kunna rikta annonseringen pÄ ett mer effektivt sÀtt och pÄ sÄ sÀtt bygga ett starkt varumÀrke. Vidare anser vi att Thysells ligger nÀrmast en differentieringsstrategi, men företaget lÄter inte denna strategi genomsyra företaget fullt ut. Genom att positionera sina resurser pÄ ett mer rÀttvisande sÀtt anser vi att detta kommer att leda till nöjdare kunder och i slutÀndan förbÀttrad lönsamheten

    Good built examples: Implementation of sustainable building in a ten years perspective in the city of Gothenburg

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    In order to understand the implementation of sustainable building in practice, the characteristics of sustainable building are identified and discussed in a local perspective and over a ten years period. Results from two studies, that compile good built examples of sustainable building in the region of Gothenburg, Sweden, are compared. The studies, carried out in 2004 and 2014, include ten examples each and the empirical material for the individual examples consists of results from literature studies, project documents, management data, interviews with key stakeholders, and visits to the buildings. The main characteristics of the built examples are described by a framework in relation to interpretations of sustainable building. The implementation of sustainable building is discussed in terms of transformation, the kind and complexity of issues dealt with in a project, and the role of different stakeholders. The results indicate tendencies of the development of the implementation frontline of sustainable building
